Groups that have worked with Toward Liberation since 2023 include:

“Fantastic. A+ (and I don't say that lightly). Well structured, engaging, thoughtful, and generative.”

“Rachel's way helped make everyone feel valued and not judged which is huge when moving towards liberation for all.”

“Thank you! I have already been able to better identify and name where classism and privilege show up around me.”

“One thing that stands out to me are the concept of power and privilege and how they relate. I really took away that while you may not be able to control or change your privilege, but you do have control over the power you possess, even succeeding power.”

“This made it clear to me what classism is and how it shows up. I made a big leap.”

“Facilitation was a great mix of information, discussion and thought. I really appreciated the different mediums to participate.”

“As someone who takes a long time to process, I appreciated not having the added anxiety of being ‘called on,’ which allowed me to really absorb the information the way my brain needed.

Participant feedback:

“Everything about Rachel’s facilitation worked for me. it was fun, open, intelligent, organized without being too structured. She's a pro.”

“I learned that checking in with our bodies will help us to be able to engage with the material. If our nervous systems are activated and our bodies are in fight/flight, we will have trouble examining our biases.”

“I liked the focus on the way our body feels when we're uncomfortable. I had never heard that before- but it's so true. The body can't tell the difference between a predator and discomfort.”

“Fantastic presentation, understanding, and dynamic from Rachel. I would attend other workshops and trainings with her facilitation.”

“Facilitation was perfect- didn't feel rushed. Everyone had an opportunity to engage and share.”

“I appreciate her that she was open about her own identity.”

“She was able to quickly gain rapport with audience.”

“Thank you Rachel, your kindness and comfort with the subject is very helpful.”