Anti Racist Cohorts
Artwork by Lienne Bick
The Anti Racist Cohort is a group of 8-15 people with a common identity (vocation, job position, lived experience, geographic location, etc) who come together to support and further the racial equity and liberation work they are doing. Typically, it is a group of white folks who want to work more deeply on their journeys to unlearn and heal from internalized racial superiority and be better able to work multiracially. The cohort meets at regular intervals for a set duration based on that groups’ needs (for example, monthly for 10 months). Facilitated by Rachel Siegel of Toward Liberation, LLC, with support from her Advisors and the possibility of a co-facilitator, the participants will do educational, introspective, healing, and action-based work while serving as an accountability group for each other's commitments.
If you are interested in a cohort customized for a group that you are affiliated with, let’s discuss!
Credit: This idea is based on the capstone project Hal Colston developed during his Equity Fellowship with the Big Picture Learning/Hewlitt Foundation. Thank you Hal! All programs of Toward Liberation are done with the guidance of our POC Advisory group.
Details: The Anti Racist Cohort is a community of people working together to further develop their racial equity lens and practices. It is a durational commitment (intervals and length tbd) for 8 to 15 participants who will be supported by the facilitation of Rachel Siegel and her accountability and leadership team.
Many Vermonters have a commitment to racial equity and are at various stages in their equity journey. Many of the same people have found themselves in situations when they were unsure how to respond to something that was or might have been racist. Most of us have made unintentional (micro)aggressions or even lost relationships because of racial insensitivity and harm. It is challenging to find places to be vulnerable and brave in this work to practice anti racism. One benefit of this cohort model is that participants have a space in which to do this critical learning, unlearning, processing, and practicing in community with others who will use this transformative, healing work, in similar situations. The Anti Racist Cohort will provide an opportunity that gives people the time and atmosphere where they can explore ideas, share information, and develop their own solutions.
The sessions include education, introspection, and conversation. We will create space to talk about race and racism, using an intersectional lens, practice making mistakes and recovering from them, figure out where we need to learn more, further develop our own racial identity, and work for the liberation of all.
The cohort will meet weekly or monthly depending on the needs of the group for at least six two-hour sessions. Cohort members will each have a buddy who they are expected to connect with between each group meeting for at least a 15-minute check in. Additionally, each participant will have at least one 60-minute one-on-one meeting with the facilitator over the course of the program. There will be 1-2 hours of homework before each session.
The first sessions of the cohort experience will focus on education, including an opportunity for each member to present resources and ideas that are impactful to them. Topics covered may include identity, power and privilege, systems of oppression, racism, white supremacy culture, racial capitalism, vulnerability, and shame.
There will be time for introspection and personal growth which will lead into the creation of personal equity commitments and projects. Goals will be set, and the group will help hold each other accountable.
Over the course of the program, understanding, trust, and mutually supportive relationships will enable participants to continue to make progress on their anti oppression journey. The ultimate goal of the cohort is to support one another toward personal and collective liberation. We will build a community for holding one another accountable.
One expected takeaway is that participants will have ongoing relationships with other cohort members beyond our time together. This work is a journey that needs to happen in relationship with others.
* The cohort might be interracial or a white space to be determined based on the needs of the group and the assessment of Toward Liberation’s team.
Artwork by Lienne Bick
Time Commitment
Weekly or monthly meetings
Minimum six meetings
Each meeting will be two and a quarter hours
Participants will have 1-2 hours of homework between each session
Buddy check-ins between each session
One on one meetings with facilitators (at least once but more if it’s a longer term cohort structure)
Some cohorts will be entirely in person, some will be entirely online, and some will have a combination of the two. We will not host hybrid meetings.
Participation Fee
The fee will depend on the number of sessions and the number of participants. The more participants, the less each individual will need to pay. We encourage you to invite your peers.
Longer term cohorts will cost $700-$2,000.
Shorter term ones will be $350-$1000.